Hello everyone,
Just a quick post to let you know how it's going here.
Over the last month the weather has turned very cold and slightly intimidating with winds picking up to 80-90mph and snow drifts of over 3metres in one day!! It's extremely difficult to walk anywhere as you sink in even with snow shoes on! We have a secret weapon called the '456' though and it takes no prisoners when snow clearing is concerned. It weighs in at a poultry 19 tons and just one snow chain alone weighs the same as two of me or one fat American!! There's a snow blowing attatchement that fits to the front and is extremely effective in making road ways which is just as well eh? We are losing around 27mins of sun everyday now and it rarely rises above the horizon so is dark mostly which can get a bit depressing! It won't be long after midwinter til it's back again though so is not too bad (midwinters day 21st june).
My brother Ed and his wife Naomi have just given birth to a bouncing baby boy weighing in at 7lb 15oz so I'd just like to say how proud I am of them both and know they will make great parents. My love to the little man x and my love to the baby and Naomi xx
Well that's it for now so I shall go and eat some 4 years out of date Cornflakes for my breakfast and feel Grrrrrrrrrrreat for the rest of the day (we don't have any Frosties).
Bye for now everyone,